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Qualifying for workers’ comp benefits

On Behalf of | Sep 20, 2019 | Workers' Compensation |

No one expects to be in an accident on the job. When it happens, it can be physically and financially straining.

Thankfully, workers’ compensation benefits can help to soften the financial blow. Before filing a workers’ comp claim, it is important to understand a few key facts.


Temporary disability covers injuries that are capable of healing and allowing the employee to return to work. This is determined by the maximum medical improvement level the treating physician accesses. Those who qualify for these benefits receive a percentage of their pay rate and may begin receiving payment within three days of being out of work.

Permanent total

When physicians determine that employees are permanently disabled, they may qualify for permanent total disability This benefit can pay up to two-thirds of the party’s weekly pay. It is important to note that some employees can return to work, even with permanent disabilities. However, in such instances, benefit thresholds do apply to ensure the party receives a fair benefit distribution.

Permanent partial

While permanent partial disability is similar to permanent total, they have a key difference. Those assessed as being able to return to work at all, or at a higher overall capacity, may qualify for partial disability. When employees return to work but do not regain full functionality they may qualify for permanent partial disability. As in other benefit types, the main qualifying factors are the physician’s assessment and the improvement level, as well as the permanent partial disability payment schedule. Depending upon the situation and injury, claimants may receive their benefits in installments or a lump sum.

Qualifying for benefits is not always an easy process, but it can definitely be worth it to try. Claimants should be sure to follow the proper protocol through their employer to ensure they get the most out of their claim.

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