The Minnesota workers’ compensation program helps protect workers from expenses related to on-the-job injuries while also limiting liability for employers. Companies don’t have to worry about employer lawsuits, and workers don’t have to worry about medical costs and lost wages if they get hurt.
Some employees who get hurt on the job require medical benefits through workers’ compensation. If their condition is severe enough, they may also require a need of absence before they can return to their usual job responsibilities. The doctor providing care in a workers’ compensation claim has a very important role. They determine what care a worker requires and when they are ready to return to their job.
They also recommend accommodations that can allow a worker to avoid worsening their injury on the job. A physician can determine that benefits should end because a worker has fully recovered, achieved maximum medical improvement or failed to follow medical instructions. The role of a physician is critical to any workers’ compensation claim.
Who selects the doctor who provides the care for an injured employee?
Workers can choose their own doctors
Some states allow employers or insurance companies to select a physician or a panel of doctors. Patients either have no say in the matter or have to choose one of several pre-authorized candidates. The issue with such arrangements is that the worker may not have a good rapport with that doctor. Even worse, the pre-existing relationship with the insurance company or employer could affect how the doctor treats the patient.
In Minnesota, those who qualify for workers’ compensation coverage can theoretically select any trusted physician to oversee their care if they cooperate with the workers’ compensation program. Some workers choose to have their primary care physician handle their workers’ compensation treatment. Others may seek out a specialist who is close to their place of employment for convenient access.
The ability to choose a physician is a very important protection for those dealing with medical challenges related to their employment. Workers may need help selecting the right physician and understanding the rules that protect them when they need to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. Ultimately, learning more about Minnesota’s unique regulations can be beneficial for those coping with job-acquired medical challenges.