Most people assume that any financial compensation procured after a car accident comes from an insurance settlement or civil judgment. That is often the case, but Minnesota employees hit by a vehicle while on company time could file a workers' compensation claim...
Maximum Compensation

Industrial Workers’ Accidents
Logging: One of the nation’s most dangerous professions
When you make your living as a logger, you face a level of on-the-job risk higher than that faced by workers across most other professions. In addition to regularly working in remote locations where medical care is often unavailable, the nature of your job typically...
Types of chemical plant explosions
Minnesota residents who are employed at industrial plants spend their work days surrounded by potentially legal dangers. Even with clearly identified safety protocol and laws in place, accidents can and do happen. The U.S. Chemical Safety Board, which investigates...
Understanding silicosis risk for workers
Minnesota residents whose jobs entail working with sand, quartz, rock, or other materials containing silica need to be aware of the risks of developing silicosis. Healthline explains that when inhaled, silica essentially cuts into lung tissue, causing scars to develop...
Packing machine roller kills man
Working around heavy machinery is part and parcel of a workday for employees in industrial occupations in Minnesota. That reality also means that many risks are evident on a daily basis. Even with strong safety regulations in place, on-the-job accidents can and do...
Minnesota workplace accident rate higher than nation
Workplace accidents are a serious problem and the cause of long-term injuries for many people in Minnesota. These incidents can happen in any industry and often require employees to take time away from their jobs or even have to work on a restricted basis. Every year,...
Understanding spinal cord injuries
Minnesota residents who work in dangerous industrial jobs face serious risks to their safety each day. Industrial accidents can include a factory explosion, falls from scaffolding or another type of manufacturing accident. Workers who endure these incidents can suffer...
Worker trapped beneath equipment
Minnesota residents who work in certain job fields face greater danger than others of being involved in serious workplace accidents. People who work in the oil and gas and construction sectors are examples of those workers. Industrial workers also face the daily risk...
Worker death toll at oil refineries is largely unknown
Minnesota residents might be interested to learn about how many worker deaths take place at oil refineries. Although the Occupational Safety and Health Administration maintains records of all of the deaths and injuries that occur in various industries each year, many...
Dealing with an injury suffered on the job
An accident in the workplace can be challenging as you deal with medical treatments and potential time away from work. Although most Minnesota employers are required to carry workers' compensation insurance to address such situations, there may be cases in which a...