Knowing the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. is for more than just sharing a fun fact in conversation. It’s important to realize the real risks associated with certain lines of work as you enter a vocation. It’s also relevant so that you know your rights and the course of action to take in the event you experience a work-related injury. The risk of severe danger is high in the following occupations.
Most fatalities
According to Time Magazine, in 2014 these jobs had the most deaths based on the total number of workers, meaning they had the most fatal injuries per 100,000 workers even if they didn’t have the highest overall death counts. For a point of reference, the average number of fatalities for all civilians was 3.4 per 100,000 workers.
1. Loggers. Those in the logging industry had an unfortunate significant lead in deaths. (110.9)
2. Fishers. Fishing-related workers came in a far second by a gap of 30. (80.8)
3. Flight engineers and aircraft pilots. The large gap between rankings continued. (64)
4. Roofers. These workers had more deaths than loggers did but less than half the fatalities per 100,000. (47.4)
5. Trash and recycling collectors. The low number of deaths didn’t prevent this sector from ranking number five. (35.8)
6. Agricultural managers. Farmers and ranchers had 10 times as many deaths as trash collectors but not as many compared to the total number of workers. (26.7)
After the six highest-ranking dangerous jobs, the difference in deaths decreased to just a few numbers. Iron and steel workers, power-line workers and various drivers completed the top 10 list. Drivers had the overall most deaths (880) and are the most likely to die from murder.
Most injuries
These jobs may not be the deadliest, but they still rank high in workplace injuries. Some causes of physical harm include falls, assault and hazardous surroundings.
- Construction workers
- Nurses
- Correctional officers
- Emergency medical technicians
- Firefighters
- Police officers
- Veterinarians
Be proactive
If you work in any of these fields, don’t wait until injury strikes to become familiar with the process of workers’ compensation claims. Talk to an experienced lawyer now so you will be prepared if you become hurt on the job. Note that you can now claim workers’ compensation for PTSD in Minnesota. This is relevant to those with high-stress or traumatic jobs, such as first responders. The process is not easy, so consult with an attorney to find out the best way to handle your case.