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Why do warehouse workers often sustain repetitive stress injuries?

On Behalf of | Jan 2, 2024 | Workers' Compensation |

In the warehousing industry, the physical demands on workers are immense. One critical issue that often goes unnoticed is the risk of repetitive stress injuries (RSIs).

If you’re a warehouse employee, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the most common causes of repetitive stress injuries. With this information, you can take proactive steps to help protect yourself from injury and even pursue workers’ compensation benefits if you get injured.

What are repetitive stress injuries (RSIs)?

Repetitive stress injuries are muscle and skeletal conditions caused by the repetition of specific movements or overuse of particular body parts. For warehouse employees, these repetitive motions can include tasks like lifting, bending and carrying heavy loads. Common RSIs in warehousing include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS): Often associated with repetitive hand and wrist movements, CTS can affect warehouse workers who engage in constant manual handling of goods.
  • Tendinitis: The inflammation of tendons. Tendinitis is prevalent among those who perform repetitive tasks such as lifting boxes or operating machinery for extended periods.
  • Rotator cuff injuries: Warehouse workers involved in tasks requiring overhead reaching and lifting are susceptible to rotator cuff injuries over time.

As a warehouse employee, understanding the risk factors associated with RSIs is crucial for preventing these injuries effectively.

How repetitive stress injuries can be mitigated

Ensuring that workstations are ergonomically designed can significantly reduce the risk of RSIs. This includes adjustable chairs, proper lighting and tools designed to minimize strain on the body.

Providing comprehensive training to warehouse staff on correct lifting techniques and promoting awareness about the importance of taking breaks can also contribute to injury prevention.

Lastly, rotating workers between tasks can prevent prolonged exposure to a single type of movement. This can help distribute the physical stress more evenly across the workforce.

If you’ve sustained repetitive stress injuries because of the tasks you’re constantly handling in your place of work, you might want to consider pursuing workers’ compensation benefits. By working with an experienced legal team, you can increase your odds of securing fair compensation.

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