Minnesota residents who are employed in jobs that require the use of scaffolding face the risk of serious injuries every day. An on the job accident that includes a fall from a scaffold or falls from ladders can leave you with with broken bones, back or spinal cord injuries and more. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration has clearly defined workplace safety regulations in place to guard against these situations.
Companies are required to abide by all of the OSHA parameters in order to provide a safe workplace for you and your co-workers. These include the following:
- All scaffolding must be capable of supporting four times the maximum load for which it is specified yet it can only be used for its maximum stated load.
- Scaffolding cannot be moved in a horizontal direction or otherwise changed while being used.
- All planking must extend between six and 18 inches over the end supports.
- Platforms must overlap at least one foot or be otherwise secured to prevent movement.
- Any damage to any part of a scaffolding structure must be repaired before it can be used again.
Other guidelines indicate that no loose or unstable items can be used to secure the footing or anchorage of a scaffold. Examples include bricks, blocks or boxes. These rules are put in place with the health and safety of workers in mind.
The attorneys and staff at Lindberg Law, P.C. are well-versed in the federal safety requirements that govern scaffolding and are able to help any injured worker after a scaffolding accident.