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Documentation tips for workers’ compensation claims

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2016 | Workers' Compensation |

Have you been injured while working in Minnesota? Or, have you developed an illness related to your job? If either of these has happened to you and you are not able to work because of your injury or illness, you may want to file for workers’ compensation. These benefits can be invaluable to you and your family when you are not able to earn your normal wage or salary. While workers’ compensation is a benefit that most people should be able to count on, not every claim gets approved. With many details to track, having good documentation is important when requesting workers’ compensation.

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry recommends that you include a standard set of information on every piece of documentation you provide or receive related to your claim. This includes the name of your employer, the name of the insurance company, your date of injury or illness, and your Social Security number. In addition, you should be careful to make and keep organized copies of all documents. Any phone or in-person conversations can be recorded in note form with this information as well.

In addition to your First Report of Injury, your personal files should include copies of all of your expenses from medical bills to costs associated with seeking new employment or job training. Make copies of all checks you receive for workers’ compensation before you deposit them and always keep letters you receive regarding your claim.

If you want to learn more about filing for workers’ compensation in Minnesota, please feel free to visit the injured worker page of our employee injury and illness website.


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