Minnesota employees who work in the construction, agriculture, transportation or other industries know very well the dangers associated with their jobs. However, the reality is that a workplace accident can happen in any industry and in any line of work. While some accidents may result in injuries from which people may recover, others leave people facing permanent injuries and still others result in death. Just how many people die in work-related accidents in Minnesota?
According to the United States Bureau of Labor and Industry, 2011 saw the fewest number of work-related deaths in Minnesota ever. That year, 60 people lost their lives while in the course of performing their jobs. In 2012, the number of deaths increased but that year was followed by two in which the number of fatalities decreased. In 2014, the number of workplace deaths was 62 but that jumped in 2015 to 74.
A total of 13 people in 2015 died in incidents involving a fall, trip or a slip compared to nine the year before. Incidents in which people were struck by or otherwise came into contact with objects or equipment claimed the lives of 14 people in 2014 and 17 in 2015. Transportation was involved in 25 of the 2014 deaths and 31 of the 2015 deaths.
Nationally, the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries shows that work-related fatalities increased from 2014 to 2015 from 4,821 to 4,836. As with the state of Minnesota, transportation incidents were the number one cause of the 2015 deaths. If you would like to learn more about workplace accidents and trends, please feel free to visit the work incident fatalities page at our Minnesota worker’s accident and workers’ compensation website.