Many Minnesota residents are injured or even killed every year due to falling at work. These falls might happen from a high level down many stories or even on one level such as might happen after tripping over an obstacle. These incidents leave individuals and their families suffering needlessly as many falls are believed to be preventable.
Earlier this year the federal arm of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration made amendments to its regulations regarding fall safety. Now, as of September 19, 2017, the state of Minnesota’s own arm of OSHA will make effective newly designed regulations that essentially follow the new federal mandates. These new rules will make consistent the guidelines across multiple industries to make it easier for businesses to follow. They will also focus on inspections and training as well as prevention.
Over the four years spanning from 2012 to 2016, Minnesota OSHA investigated more than 100 incidents related to falls at the workplace. Of those, 78 involved serious injuries and another 26 resulted in fatalities. These realities are part of the reason that that state has chosen to follow the new federal guidelines.
Certainly Minnesota workers should hope that the new regulations will keep them safer however it is no guarantee that an accident at work cannot still happen. When it does, employees or their family members might find talking with a lawyer helpful as this can give them insight into how they can seek compensation.
Source:, “Minnesota OSHA adopts federal regulations for walking-working surfaces, fall protection in general industry,” Suzy Rook, August 13, 2017