The purpose of workers’ compensation is to help injured parties cover medical and living expenses while they recover from their injuries. Workers’ compensation is not supposed to serve as a long-term source of income. However, Minnesota workers’ comp law does allow harmed workers to recover permanent total disability benefits if they are never able to return to gainful employment. If your injuries have left you disabled and unable to work, you may qualify for PTD.
According to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, you may be able to recover PTD if your injury or occupational illness results in the loss of both arms at the shoulder; loss of eyesight in both eyes; loss of both legs so close to the hip that you cannot use prosthetics; total and permanent loss of mental facilities; and/or complete or permanent paralysis. You may also be able to recover PTD if your condition hinders your ability to work at any occupation and if you fit into one of the three following categories:
- You have a 17 percent permanent partial disability rating over your entire body
- You have a 15 percent PPD rating over your entire body and were 50 years old at the time of injury
- You have a 13 percent PPD rating, were at least 55 years old at the time of injury and you do not possess a GED or high school diploma
If, based on the above information, you qualify for PPD, you will receive weekly benefits. However, the amount you receive will not be equal to your previous weekly wage. Rather, you will receive two-thirds of your weekly wage at the time of your injury. If you were a part-time worker, the workers’ compensation manager will computer your compensation based on what would be a normal workweek for your particular occupation.
The content in this article is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as legal advice.