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Does workers’ compensation cover mental illnesses?

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2021 | Workers' Compensation |

While most employers in Maryland offer workers’ compensation coverage for physical injuries, they often have trouble compensating their employees for mental health issues. Due to the persistent myths about mental illness, many employers assume that it’s not their problem or that their workers are just “lazy.” In fact, mental illness can be just as debilitating as a physical injury.

What are some myths about mental health issues?

Many employers don’t want to offer workers’ compensation for mental health issues because they assume it has nothing to do with their job. They assume that if their employee has mental health issues, they had those issues before they started working at their company. In fact, a stressful work environment can cause people to develop depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.

Physical injuries can also lead to mental health issues. If people can’t work for a while, they might start to feel depressed. They could also develop anxiety or PTSD depending on the severity of the incident. While many employers don’t think they should compensate their employees for mental health issues, mental illness and workplace injuries often go hand-in-hand.

Finally, many employers assume that their employees would tell them if they needed compensation for mental health issues. Unfortunately, mental illness is still stigmatized in the workplace. Research has shown that nearly half of employees in the United States don’t think they can talk to their employers about mental health issues. As a result, they might have to hire a workers’ compensation attorney to help them seek compensation.

Can you get compensation for mental health issues?

You might qualify for compensation if you can prove that your job caused or exacerbated your mental health issues. An attorney could help you file for workers’ compensation benefits and make sure that you cover both your physical and emotional injuries.

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