There’s an old novelty Christmas song titled, “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.” Yet Christmas-time workplace accidents can cause workers to lose far more than just a few teeth. Bone breakages, internal bleeding permanent paralysis and even death can all occur to an unfortunate few at this time of year.
Here are some of the reasons accidents can happen at work in the lead-up to Christmas:
Rare stepladder use
Those Christmas decorations your workplace has won’t hang themselves. Someone has to hang them, and often that involves someone climbing a stepladder. Ladders can be dangerous for a person who has not been trained to use them, even if only going a few feet from the ground, and a fall can have serious consequences.
Workplace drinks
Many workplaces and customers bring out a few drinks at Christmas. As welcome as that can be, alcohol can cause people to drop their guard and it can slow reactions or confuse thoughts. All of which could be dangerous if people have to go back to work afterward.
Pressure to deliver
Christmas can be hectic in some workplaces. Delivery drivers might be pushed to skip breaks or take extra shifts despite being tired. Warehouses and stores might bring in extra untrained staff to cope with the extra demand. Restaurant and bar staff may find themselves working rushing to cope with the surge in custom. All this can lead to a slip in safety standards, putting workers at greater risk of injury.
If you suffer a workplace injury this Christmas, learning how to claim workers’ compensation should be at the top of your to-do list.