Thousands of auto mechanics nationwide, including Minnesota, risk occupational injuries and illnesses each day. If you are one of them, caustic chemicals and heavy equipment will threaten you whenever you are at work. According to the Occupational Safety and Health...
Maximum Compensation

Workplace Injuries
What counts as an on-the-job injury?
If you were injured in the workplace, it's likely that you will have suffered not only physically but financially as well. You'll probably have lost wages as the result of needing to take time off to recover, and you may have also incurred child care costs as a result...
Does your workplace injury qualify you for TTD benefits?
If you suffered an injury while on the job and are currently unable to continue working, you may qualify to receive Temporary Total Disability benefits. How does this work, and what happens if your circumstances change? About TTD benefits Workers’ compensation in...
Your right to rehabilitation after a work injury
If you have been injured in the workplace, it's likely that you have needed to take a considerable amount of time off work in order to recover. You may not only have lost wages as a result of this, but you may be facing high medical bills. As an injured worker, you...
What was the cause of my back injury in the workplace?
Having a physical job can mean that you often suffer from pains and strains without being able to pinpoint the cause. If you are suffering from severe back pain, it's likely that you will want to seek medical attention and gain the appropriate treatment. You may even...
Factory workers are vulnerable to these 4 eye injuries
Whether you assemble a product, repair equipment or package inventory, you play an important role in the factory where you work. Regardless of your job duties, your eyes are likely essential for performing them. Regrettably, though, roughly 2,000 individuals injure...
Minnesota laws that protect injured workers
Being injured in the workplace can lead to a lot of pain and suffering that would not have occurred if it were not for your working conditions. In addition to going through a lot of physical and emotional pain, you may also be financially impacted by your...
Eye injuries and diseases are common in certain industries
Eye injuries and diseases can result from any type of work, but they are more common for people employed in certain industries. If you experience an on-the-job eye injury or infection, you may qualify for workers’ compensation. How eye injuries occur According to the...
A spinal cord injury could change your life in an instant
Suppose that you are a long-time construction worker. You have had few injuries, but when you fell off a ladder and suffered damage to your spinal cord, you began looking at life in a new light. A spinal cord injury can dramatically change your life. Treatment is...
OSHA on roof safety requirements
Many building owners in Minnesota are not aware of OSHA's requirements for roof safety. There are roughly four requirements that owners should keep in mind. They should also look out for the most common safety hazards that workers encounter on roofs.The first roof...