If you have ever been concerned about safety at your place of work in Minnesota, you might have wondered how safety hazards are monitored and how you can be protected. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration does actually conduct inspections of job...
Maximum Compensation

Workplace Safety
Most common workplace safety standard violations
In Minnesota and across the nation, there are many safety standards in place. These exist in order to keep workers from being harmed while on the job. However, there are many safety violations that occur at jobs all across the board, potentially putting the lives...
Should you prepare for construction dangers this spring?
Spring is just around the corner, even if the recent weather makes it hard to believe. As you know, it will be more common to see construction in Minnesota once the weather warms up. Spring and summer means construction season for most states across the country, and...
How dangerous are elevators in the workplace?
If you are a Minnesota worker whose job requires you to work on, in or near elevators, your risk of injury or even death is substantially greater than that of general elevator passengers. The Center for Construction Research and Training reports that...
New electrical standards highlight safety
Minnesota residents who work in jobs that involve close contact with electrical lines, receptacles and more know that safety is or at least should be a top priority at all times. This is why the Occupational Safety Health Administration has created multiple sets...
Is a safety violation making your work site dangerous?
You probably already know that the construction industry is a dangerous one to work in. Every year, according to statistics from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, thousands of construction workers in Minnesota and across the country die or...
Vehicular risks to agricultural workers
September often marks a portion of the heart of the harvest season on farms all around Minnesota. The weather is typically still good and allows workers ample access and long enough days to gather crops from the fields. However, the work associated with the harvest...
Worker safety may be at risk with rule changes
Minnesota residents who work in jobs in which they are routinely exposed to harsh chemicals or other substances known to be hazardous to their health deserve to know that their employers are taking appropriate steps to keep them safe from these materials. This safety...
What risks do farm workers face?
Do you or does someone you love work on a farm in Minnesota? If so, you know both the great joy that can come from this line of work as well as the hazards that may be faced on a daily basis. Whether work is performed on a farm that grows agriculture, raises animals...
Workplace hazards for those in food production
Every job comes with its own risks to your safety and health, though in varying degrees. Construction may get the most attention when it comes to workplace hazards, but that does not mean it is the only industry high in danger. One that people often overlook is food...